
Co-op Housing Initiatives


The Climate Emergency is upon us.  Can there be any question as to the wisdom - and obligation – to do whatever we can to conserve water? Campus Coop Commons captures rain water which is used to flush toilets, and at the 7 College lodging house the soft, fresh  - and treated - rainwater also is used for laundry.  The end result is less consumption of the municipal supply and lower water bills.  The Co-op was also the first in Guelph to pilot a grey water project which collected water from showers to services toilets and urinals, though technical difficulties have postponed this system for now. Co-op housing strictly uses low-flush toilets and low–flow showerheads.


Solar panels that pre-heat hot water can be found on several of our buildings. Solar panels that generate electricity that is sold back to the grid can be found on several more. In the long term, this will help keep rents down for our members, and lessen our collective footprint. The entire design of Campus Coop Commons incorporates a passive solar approach with the large front windows angled to maximize southern exposure. 

And More

The Coop is replacing compact flourescent and  conventional lighting with LED technology wherever possible, and we are investigating wider use of LED technology to further increase efficiency. Cleaning products found in our houses are environmentally friendly, and we are well into a comprehensive window replacement program further reducing waste.

Members have made it clear that environmental sustainability is a priority and a core value. We will continue to investigate and implement ecological solutions wherever we can. Because really, what choice do we have?